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21 Isaac Watts Divine Songs Attempted in the Easy Language of Children

Song 11. Heaven and Hell.

1 There is beyond the sky
A heaven of joy and love,
And holy children, when they die,
Go to that world above.

2 There is a dreadful hell,
And everlasting pains,
There sinners must with devils dwell
In darkness, fire, and chains.

3 Can such a wretch as I
Escape this cursed end?
And may I hope, whene’er I die,
I shall to heaven ascend?

4 Then will I read and pray
While I have life and breath;
Lest I should be cut off to day,
And sent t’ eternal death.


Song 16. Against Quarrelling and Fighting.

1 Let dogs delight to bark and bite,
For God has made them so;
Let bears and lyons growl and fight,
For `tis their nature too.

2 But, children, you should never let
Such angry passions rise;
Your little hands were never made
To tear each other’s eyes.

3 Let love thro’ all your actions run,
And all your words be mild;
Live like the blessed Virgin’s Son,
That sweet and lovely child.

4 His soul was gentle as a lamb;
And as his stature grew,
He grew in favour both with man
And God his Father too.

5 Now, Lord of all, he reigns above,
And from his heavenly throne,
He sees what children dwell in love,
And marks them for his own.


Song 20. Against Idleness and Mischief.

1 How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower!

2 How skilfully she builds her cell!
How neat she spreads the wax!
And labours hard to store it well
With the sweet food she makes.

3 In works of labour or of skill
I would be busy too:
For Satan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do.

4 In books, or work, or healthful play
Let my first years be past,
That I may give for every day
Some good account at last.


Children's Literature: A Tradition Copyright © by purvist. All Rights Reserved.

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