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Picture Books

23 Three Jovial Huntsmen by Randolph Caldecott

E-text prepared by Suzanne Shell, Ronald Holder,
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team



Front cover image with title at top and three horse-mounted huntsmen in red jackets below, each blowing a hunting horn. Subscript label reads "One of R. Caldecott's Picture Books."

Front cover



Color illustration featuring three mounted huntsmen on running horses in the foreground, each blowing a large horn, and a colonial house in the background.



Sketch illustration showing the three huntsmen enjoying a meal, one drinking enthusiastically, while a man and a woman bring them more food.


It’s of three jovial huntsmen, an’ a hunting they did go; An’ they hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ they blew their horns also Look ye there!
Sketch illustration of three mounted huntsmen, each riding his horse in a different direction, one looking toward the sky.
An’ one said, “Mind yo’r e’en, an’ keep yo’r noses reet i’ th’ wind
Sketch illustration of the three huntsment at a distance with a loosely sketched tree and clouds in the far background.
An’ then, by scent or seet, we’ll leet o’ summat to our mind.” Look ye there!



Color Illustration of the three mounted huntsmen viewed from the back, facing a scarecrow.

They hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ the first thing they did find Was a tatter’t boggart, in a field, an’ that they left behind. Look ye there!

One said it was a boggart, an’ another he said “Nay; It’s just a ge’man-farmer, that has gone an’ lost his way.” Look ye there!





Color illustration with three hunstmen centered, one mounted and the other two standing on the ground examining a round grinding stone. A woman stands watching in the background, behind the wall of her garden.

They hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ the next thing they did find Was a gruntin’, grindin’ grindlestone, an’ that they left behind. Look ye there!

One said it was a grindlestone, another he said “Nay; It’s nought but an’ owd fossil cheese, that somebody’s roll’t away.” Look ye there!





Color illustration of the three mounted huntsmen smiling at a calf from over a stone wall. The calf is brown and white.
They hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ the next thing they did find Was a bull-calf in a pin-fold, an’ that, too, they left behind. Look ye there!
One said it was a bull-calf, an’ another he said “Nay; It’s just a painted jackass, that has never larnt to bray.” Look ye there!
Sketch illustration of the three huntsmen riding close together, talking and smiling. Their horses looked less thrilled to be so close.



Sketch illustration of loosely drawn figures, one to the right mounted on a horse and another on the left leading a horse. The middle figure is unclear.



Sketch illustration showing three horse-mounted figures riding away from two or three smaller figures with trees in the background.
They hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ the next thing they did find Was a two-three children leaving school, an’ these they left behind. Look ye there!
One said that they were children, but another he said “Nay; They’re no’ but little angels, so we’ll leave ’em to their play.” Look ye there!



Color illustration of six playing school children, four of them in the foreground, with the three huntsmen riding in the far distance.



Sketch illustration of five school children waving, one positioned in the branches of a tree.





They hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ the next thing they did find Was a fat pig smiling in a ditch, an’ that, too, they left behind. Look ye there!
One said it was a fat pig, but another he said “Nay; It’s just a Lunnon Alderman, whose clothes are stole away.” Look ye there!
Color illustration of the three mounted huntsmen coming upon a large pig with a smug smile on its face. One huntsmen is hiding behind a tree, looking surprised.









They hunted, an’ they hollo’d, an’ the next thing they did find Was two young lovers in a lane, an’ these they left behind. Look ye there!
One said that they were lovers, but another he said “Nay; They’re two poor wanderin’ lunatics—come, let us go away.” Look ye there!



Color illustration with a young man and woman holding hands in the foreground; in the distance, the three huntsman ride towards them.





Sketch illustration showing the three huntsmen riding up to a building which looks like an inn or tavern.
So they hunted, and they hollo’d, till the setting of the sun; An’ they’d nought to bring away at last, when th’ huntin’-day was done. Look ye there!
Then one unto the other said, “This huntin’ doesn’t pay; But we’n powler’t up an’ down a bit, an’ had a rattlin’ day.” Look ye there!
Sketch illustration showing all three huntsmen arm-in-arm, riding toward the low sun in the distance.



Color Illustration of the three mounted huntsmen chatting amiably as they ride amongst hills and trees.





Back Cover

Back Cover


Children's Literature: A Tradition Copyright © by purvist. All Rights Reserved.

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