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Comparative Analysis Writing Prompt

For this activity, you are going to practice creating an analysis. The purpose is practice. I am going to ask you to read two articles of my choice. While you are reading, take notes. Not on what the authors of these articles wrote, but the effect of their writing preference (rhetorical style). You looked at ethos, pathos, and logos recently. Those are great choices to use as a criteria to evaluate these articles.

    • Reading two articles of my choice
    • Take notes
    • Write a short post. (300+)

Remember, I want you to compare the writers’ styles. Use the contents to make a comparison. Do not discuss the topic.

Do you recognize any bias displayed by the authors? Explain your answer and provide examples from the text. Use elements of rhetorical analysis and ethos, pathos, and logos to develop your response. Use aspects of academic writing we have discussed in class.

You may not upload a document. You must place your content in the text field. You may copy and paste. Please check your response for grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.

So basically, this task is about which author presented the information better; why and how. That is a little simplistic. If you think that way, you should stay on the right track. Please also pay attention to how closely aligned the topic is. I am asking you to compare something that is already similar.

The paragraph (or two) should contain:

  • the titles of the articles (in quotation marks)
  • the names of the authors
  • background/context
  • summary of the article(s)
  • description of rhetorical device
  • example of how it is used by each author
  • the effect of the author choice on their purpose
  • which author is more successful and why

Articles to use for this prompt:

Liz Peek


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First Year Composition by Amy Larson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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