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Write a response to the writing prompt below. You should plan to write for ~20 minutes, or about 200 – 300 words. Remember to proofread for errors and use the spell checker.


Go to the article at the link below. It is short. Take a few minutes to read the article. What is your opinion of this article? (Avoid using, “In my opinion, I feel/think/believe) Now go to your search engine, like Google, and type Hyperbole in Politics. You could also try Hyperbole in Political Cartoons. You could think of your own search statement Hyperbole in …. Read some of the articles. You can skim them, but I really want you to open more than two of the links. Also, try for articles written since 2017.

The point here is to explain how hyperbole affects the message. Use the readings as examples for supporting your definitions and ideas. You could use personal experience as examples. Remember, you need a definition. What kind of message or between what people? (Hyperbole in what?)


Suggestion: This article looks at television, hyperbole, and libel.

What you can and cannot say on a college campus

Obscenity and Free Speech

The latest free speech battle from Colorado going before the US Supreme Court will test the state’s stalking laws


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

First Year Composition by Amy Larson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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