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Library, databases, and searches 3


Follow the steps below to search for sources for your paper. I want you to keep notes as you complete each part. You will use those notes to compose a post for the discussion board. You will compose a post that gives a list of resources that you are considering using for your paper.

Part I: Using the Library

Go to the LCC library website and do a keyword search for books/e-books on your paper topic. Try to find at least one text that could be useful. Write down the book title, author, and publication information. Request the book/e-book if you think it is one that you will use.

Go to the LCC library website and select one of the library databases (“Find an Article”). Using your chosen database, search for articles on your paper topic. Try to find at least one article that could be useful. Write down the article title, author, and publication information. Send the article to your email or print at least one article that you could use in your paper.

Go to the LCC library website and select a different library database. Using that database, search for articles on your paper topic. Try to find at least one article that could be useful. Write down the article title, author, and publication information. Again, send the article to your email or print it so that you could use it in your paper.

Part II: Using the Internet

Go to Google or your favorite search engine, and use the search engine to search for websites and/or articles on your paper topic. Try to find at least two articles that could be useful. (You may not use Wikipedia ever in college.) Copy the URL, the article title, the website title, the date published or copyright date, and any key publication information. Save this information for use in your essay the websites/articles.

Go to Google Scholar and use the search engine to search for articles on your paper topic. Try to find at least one article that could be useful. Articles with links in the right column may be accessed on-line or through the LCC Library. Copy the article title, author, and publication information. You may want to download the article for easy access and use in your essay.

Part III: Posting Your Results

To complete this assignment: Write a post that lists the six resources that you found by following the steps above. For each item on your list, you should give the title and author (if found) of the text, and what type of source it is. Your list should include one book/e-book, two articles from library databases, two websites/articles, one scholarly article. Your list may contain more than six resources if you wish. Be sure that you have written down the necessary publication information so that you can compose your works cited page later in the process.


Remember that you need to use at least four sources in this paper. You should consider using a variety of sources. However, this is not a research paper assignment, so your sources should be used to support your claim, not as the basis of your paper. When you write your paper, the majority of your paper should be your own ideas and words, with your outside sources used sparingly. If you have any questions about using multiple sources in your paper, let me know.




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First Year Composition by Amy Larson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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