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Public Writing Activity

How to Publish

Write the assignment

Before you go to publish the activity, write it in a word processor. The expectations and explanation are in What is Public Writing. You will really want to run the grammar and spell checker before you attempt to public.

Decide on how the citation and attribution will be displayed.

Make sure all links go to the proper destination.

How to Publish Online

You will be taken to a website called, The Ultimate List of Lists. From there you will have three choices of tabs, “Home”,”About”, and “Write Here!”

Click “Write Here!”

The site is password protected. The access code is your instructor’s last name. Please note, there are no capital letters in the code.

Screenshot of TrueWriter

Once you see the editing fields, please read the directions. Each box contains its own instructions. Please read and complete all sections. There are specific cautions to help you avoid losing work. There are also suggestions to help you edit.

The save draft button is on the bottom.

For those of you who still remember elementary coding, an html text editor is available.

Have fun. Please remember, this is public. Anybody could read it.

Ultimate List of Lists


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

First Year Composition by Amy Larson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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