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Components of Fitness

Body Composition and Other Related Measures

Other Related Measures

BMI:  this is a measurement based upon height and weight and used as a starting point to determine if someone may be at a weight that poses health risks. Note the formula is in kilograms and meters.

Waist to height ratio: this is a measurement we use to gage health risk. The goal for optimal health is to have your waist circumference equal half (or less) than your height. This measurement is done on the Fitness Evaluation in Total Fitness and Introduction to Fitness courses.

Circumference measurements: this is a great way to gage progress as someone attempts to make changed in their body composition. As mentioned above, we know that a certain amount of weight in fat takes up a lot more volume than the same amount of weight in muscle! If someone is strength training, we may not see the scale change a lot, but circumference measures can!



The American College of Sports Medicine has specific body composition recommendations for men and women. Note they are based upon age ranges.


A Guide to Physical Fitness Copyright © by Jen Hilker. All Rights Reserved.

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