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Required Readings for Total Fitness, Introduction to Fitness, and Introduction to Weight Training

PFFT 100 Total Fitness
Required readings for Quiz #1:
  • All sub-sections under “Getting Started” including
    • Goal Setting will help with the Personal Goals assignment
    • Benefits of Exercise
    • Tips for Exercise Success
    • Cardiovascular Exercise and Student Success
    • Fuel for Exercise (Nutrition Basics)
  • All sub-sections under “Components of Fitness” including
    • Cardiorespiratory
    • Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance
    • Flexibility
    • Body Composition and Other Related Measures
    • Neuromotor
  • All sub-sections under “Risk Factors and Health History” including
    • Risk Factor Assessment
    • Blood Pressure
    • Metabolic Syndrome
    • Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
  • The section “Principles of Training”
  • All sub-sections under “Training Modalities” including
    • Warm-up, Cool-down
    • Basics of Aerobic Training (Cardio)
    • Strength Training Basics
    • HITT, Circuit Training, Functional Training
    • Posture, Core Training
    • Stretching, Foam Rolling
Required readings for Quiz #2:
  • All sections under “Exercise Anatomy and Physiology”
    • General Muscle Anatomy and Physiology
    • Exercise Physiology Basics: Energy Systems, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
  • The section “Commonly Asked Questions About Exercise”
  • Information from the readings for Quiz #1 may also appear on Quiz #2.


A Guide to Physical Fitness Copyright © by Jen Hilker. All Rights Reserved.

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