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Components of Fitness

Flexibility, Mobility, and Postural Control


Frequency: How often should you engage in flexibility/ mobility exercise? This depends on the type of stretching.

  • Dynamic stretching: can be done daily or even multiple times a day
  • Static stretching: 2-3 times per week, ideal would be 5-7 times per week

Intensity: How much stretch should we feel? Keep in mind our flexibility may change from day to day. It can also be affected by the time of day that we stretch and the other activities that we did (or lack of activity) prior to stretching.

  • to mild discomfort

Time: The time commitment will depend on the type of stretching.

  • Dynamic stretching: Done before a workout. Perform 6-10 repetitions of various movements, replicating the range of motion that will be used during exercises planned in the workout.
  • Static stretching: Done after a workout. Hold each position 20-30 seconds, repeat each stretch 2-4 times. Focus on tight muscle groups that would benefit from lengthening. 

Type: As mentioned previous, there are two types of stretching discussed here.

  • Dynamic (movement)
  • Static (slow and sustained)


A Guide to Physical Fitness Copyright © by Jen Hilker. All Rights Reserved.

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