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Training Modalities

Strength Training Basics

General Guidelines for Strength Training
  1. Keep movements under control. Don’t jerk or snap joints.
  2. Complete exercises with proper range of motion, as long as it is pain free.
  3. Always work opposing muscle groups. It is important to maintain a balance in strength.
  4. Get in the right mind set. Focus on the movement you are doing so you do it correctly.
  5. Quality over quantity. Technique is top priority, not the amount of weight you are lifting or how many times you can lift it.
  6. Breathe. Try to breathe out (exhale) during the exertion portion of the movement, but most importantly, breathe in (inhale) during movement in one direction and breathe out during movement in the other direction.
  7. Work larger muscle groups first, then smaller.
  8. Vary your program! This can be done every few weeks, weekly, or every workout depending on your goals.


A Guide to Physical Fitness Copyright © by Jen Hilker. All Rights Reserved.

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