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Chapter 7 Resources


Melissa Ford Lucken

Filtering refers to the act of using unnecessary words or phrases that create a barrier between the reader and the direct experience of the story. It involves adding words that describe the character’s perception or interpretation of the world, rather than presenting the world directly to the reader. Filtering can create distance and weaken the impact of the narrative by placing an extra layer between the reader and the story events. It is often recommended to minimize or avoid filtering to enhance immediacy and reader engagement.


Original sentence with filtering: “She saw the sunset paint the sky with vibrant hues.”

Revised sentence without filtering: “The sunset painted the sky with vibrant hues.”

In the original sentence, the filtering phrase “She saw” adds a layer between the reader and the direct experience of the sunset. By removing the filtering phrase, the revised sentence presents the sunset as a direct experience, allowing the reader to engage more fully with the vibrant hues of the sky.

By eliminating filtering, writers can create a more immersive and immediate reading experience, enabling readers to directly connect with the events, emotions, and sensory details of the story. It helps to create a stronger sense of presence and involvement for the reader, enhancing the impact of the narrative.


List of common filter words:

see / saw

hear / heard

think / thought

touch / touched

wonder / wondered

seem / seemed

decide / decided

know / knew

feel / felt

look / looked

notice / noticed

realize / realized

watch / watched


can / could

to be able to

note / noted

experience / experienced

remember / remembered


Read the passage below. Revise to remove the filer words.

As the sun began its slow descent below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the tranquil meadow, Sarah settled herself on a weathered wooden bench, her gaze drifting over the landscape before her. The vibrant hues of the wildflowers swaying gently in the breeze caught her eye, each petal a burst of color against the backdrop of lush greenery. The distant sound of birds chirping their evening songs filled the air, adding a melodic touch to the serene scene unfolding before her.

In that fleeting moment of stillness, Sarah realized the profound beauty that surrounded her. She noticed how the soft light of the setting sun painted everything in a warm, ethereal glow, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. It was as if nature itself was putting on a grand show just for her, a private performance of awe-inspiring magnificence.

As she sat there, lost in contemplation, Sarah decided to allow herself to fully embrace this moment of peace and tranquility. She wondered at the intricate design of the universe, at how everything seemed to fit together in perfect harmony. The world, with all its chaos and unpredictability, suddenly felt ordered and purposeful, a testament to the beauty of existence.

With each passing minute, as the sky transitioned from gold to pink to a deep, velvety blue, Sarah found herself drawn deeper into the magic of the evening. She realized that in the grand tapestry of life, all her worries and troubles paled in comparison to the sheer wonder of the world around her. It was a humbling revelation, one that filled her with a sense of awe and gratitude.

And so, as the last traces of daylight faded into the night, Sarah made a silent vow to cherish these moments of peace and serenity. She decided to hold onto them tightly in her heart, like precious treasures to be savored in times of need. For in the gentle embrace of nature, she found solace, hope, and a profound connection to something greater than herself.


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Filtering by Melissa Ford Lucken is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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