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Chapter 4 Resources

Complicating the Scene

Melissa Ford Lucken

X wants [scene goal] _______because [motivation] ________

but [conflict] ________.

Y wants [scene goal] _______because [motivation] ________

but [conflict] ________.


X wants/avoids {internal conflict} _________ from Y because ____________

but __________.

Y wants/avoids {internal conflict} _________ from X because ____________

but __________.

^^^ This is the necessary push pull for an effective scene. Use the character’s motivation against her/him. Character must be motivated to move forward.

  • Character perceives no risk but finds one during/after events.
  • Character believes she/he ‘has control’ but discovers not true during or after.
  • Character plans to get the better of other but other turns tables (intentionally or not).


Setting and context. How does enveloping action contribute?

^^^ This intensifies conflict and adds dimension and depth the story.



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Complicating the Scene by Melissa Ford Lucken is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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