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Chapter 8 Resources

Query Letter Template

Melissa Ford Lucken

Select one of the 1’s to start the letter. If you have 2 main characters, you may want to fill out the section for each main character.

1A is an alternative start or an alternative add-on.

Pick one of the 2’s.

Add 3, the closing.

1~Character & Conflict

{Adjective}_________________ {adjective} _________________________ {noun}_______________________, {character name} _____________________, wants{goal} __________________________________________________because{motivation}______________________________________________________but{conflict}_______________________________________.


1~Character & Conflict

{Adjective} ____________________ {adjective} ____________________ {character name} _________________________ is {describe character}_________________________________. When {state initial conflict} ______________________________________________. Then {state what intensifies conflict} ________________________________________________. The only way out is _______________________________________, but {conflict}__________________________. Unwilling to give up because {motivation} ________________________________________________, {character} ___________________, must {state what character must learn/do/change/learn/accomplish} _______________________________________________________________________.


1A ~ Setting & Conflict

{Adjective} ____________________ {adjective} ____________________ {setting} ___________________________ is {describe setting}___________________________________. The place that or A place where ___________________________________. But {state initial conflict} and {what intensifies conflict}___________________________________.



2 ~ Manuscript Details

{TITLE} ________________________ is a {genre} _______________________, _________________________ words in length.


2 ~ Manuscript Details

{TITLE}_______________________________, tells a/the story of {theme} _______________________ and shows that {what changes/how character grows/what learned} _________________________________________.



3 ~ Closing

I {tell a bit about yourself} ___________________________. If you’d like to see {TITLE} __________________, I’ll be happy to send it.


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Query Letter Template by Melissa Ford Lucken is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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